Please help us deliver your requirements:
Every detail of the project should be understood and agreed by you (the client) and Lensmen before shooting begins regarding:
The nominated person for Lensmen to communicate with.
The number of videos required.
The approximate duration of each video and editing time.
The resolution and format of the video (s)
Interviews/Voiceover and any other dialogue, time – lapse, drone footage if required.
The choice of music.
If required Lensmen can offer four copyright audio tracks or if preferred you can provide your own audio track.
When a clear understanding has been reached and agreed Lensmen will provide a quote.
If the quote is accepted we will request the name and contact details of the person who will provide a P.O. Number for the project. Any additional requirements after this stage will be subject to additional costs.The next stage:
- We will prepare a shot list with script development for approval by you. We request that logos (RAW), graphics (TIFFS), title and photos will be supplied (in HI Resolution, JPEGS 300 DPI + …). We also request a script. We offer, for a fee, help if it’s needed in writing the script. We also offer a service, for a fee, to prepare individuals for their part in front of camera. If a ‘voiceover’ is planned we request an outline of the script. (A ‘voiceover’ is created after the edit has been completed). If an aerial drone shoot is required we request specific details of buildings, flight path and coordinates for approval by IAA (always subject to weather and light conditions). If time – lapse footage is required details of the various stages of the development of the project should be supplied including key events and dates. Any other requirements that are needed should be submitted at this time.
While on a shoot, there should be a contact person who can show Lensmen potential areas for storage of technical equipment, available access to power supplies and also to facilitate with previously agreed interviewees. One of the Lensmen team will assist in any PTCs (Pieces to camera) that may be required. This can involve settling nerves or just having a read through together of any possible script chosen. We request that relevant company personnel who will appear on camera should sign a model release form. This must be completed before filming takes place.
There are several options available at present regarding the post production phase of a video project (please state your preferred option on the form):
1. A first rough edit of the project will be completed by one of Lensmen’s editors.
This will be sent to you via a link (which is private and is password protected) where you can view a copy of the video file, and amend if necessary, so the editor can include your changes. Based on your feedback, changes will be made where requested towards the second edit. This will be sent back to you, and if you request further changes for a third cut, this will also be accommodated. Any further changes beyond the third cut will be subject to additional edit costs.
Having a client representative sit beside an editor for a limited period of time can really help with communication – much quicker and clearer than emails or phone conversations. Sitting beside the editor at the Lensmen offices can hugely speed up the process involved in completing the final video. Based on your feedback, changes will be made where requested towards the second edit. This will be sent back to you, and if you request further changes for a third cut, this will also be accommodated. Any further changes beyond the third cut will be subject to additional edit costs.
a- There will be a link sent to you (which is private and is password protected) where you can download a copy of the video file. Based on your feedback, changes will be made where requested towards the second edit. This will be sent back to you, and if you request further changes for a third cut, this will also be accommodated. Any further changes beyond the third cut will be subject to additional costs.