
Spectacular Building Construction Demolition |Time-Lapse e Civil Project | Ireland

Lensmen combine photography and video to create truly spectacular time-lapse stories. We can help you demonstrate and record the accurate efficiency of your company’s undertaking at work for posterity.

This takes place by condensing a year-long building project or development under construction to a 2 – 5 min video presentation while creating an amazing construction/building time-lapse narrative for your website.

Clients can’t help but recognise and appreciate your company’s attention to detail in shaping a working environment, further establishing your credibility and reputation as a trusted partner.

Contact us by phone at +353 (0)87 258 4388 or +353 (0)1 819 7738197738 or by email, at info@lensmen.ie; we will get back to you.

Our short and long time-lapse videos can be used by marketing and communications departments to show the progress of a project, keeping all interested parties updated without the need for site visits or tedious statistics and figures.

Want to work with us?

Our team will be happy to assist you. Please fill out the form: