Green & blue screen videos are also part of Lensmen Video, Photographic & Time-lapse Agency services. They can be used as part of any corporate, PR or industrial video, allowing you to add custom images, logos, graphs or diagrams to illustrate the points conveyed in the video.
Watch the video below to find out how the process works, or to get inspiration on how you can use green & blue screens for your project.
What Lensmen Green & Blue Screen Video Services can do for you
Green screen backgrounds provides flexibility in dealing with multiple locations. Rather than needing to visit a number of different locations, you can use a green screen background to transport the viewer.
Portability is one of the main advantages of green screen. The set-up of lights and screen can be done in about an hour. Which means you can take it almost anywhere, providing you have enough space to use it in.
When shooting green screen, the use of studio lights negates the need for ambient light. This means you don’t have to spend time adjusting for change in sunlight. This gives a consistent look to all interviews while also saving time.
Green screen interviews also allow the opportunity to brand the piece with a company’s logo. You can add colours, textures and other elements to the backdrop in order to make the video identifiable.
The green screen allows modification to the video if you want a different backdrop. This means you won’t have to reshoot any material if you don’t like where it’s set…you can just swap out the background.
Call Lensmen +353 (0)1 819 7738 or email us on for all your Green & Blue Screen video needs.