
Stepaside Educate Together National School (ETNS) Time-Lapse Construction Project | Please call us 00 353 01 8197738 or info@lensmen.ie

The new Educate Together National School has begun construction off of Bellarmine Vale in Stepaside. The building will consist of a 3 storey primary school building with 24 classrooms, general purpose hall, 2 classroom special needs unit, support teaching spaces and ancillary accommodation. A Green Roof will be added to the general purpose hall and the southern stairwell. The remainder of the site will include 48 car parking spaces, as well as drop off and pick up facilities.

This project was done in cooperation with evercam

At the school’s initial opening, the entire second floor will operate as a post-primary school and the ground and first floors will be a primary school. It is planned that the post-primary rooms on the second floor will eventually be converted to primary school rooms at a later stage. This school falls under the Rapid Build school scheme and will be completed in December 2017, which will be 36 weeks from the start of the project.